Dumbarton Arts & Education is deeply grateful for the generous donors who made gifts to our organization or to one of our two programs, Dumbarton Concerts and Inspired Child. The following supporters made our programs possible in FY24 (July 2023-June 2024).

$100,000 and above 

DC Commission on Arts and Humanities 

Richard E. and Nancy P. Marriott Foundation 



Dodge Family Fund

Moriah Fund

National Endowment for the Arts

Peter H. & Dana Gunn Winslow Foundation

Robert & Maureen Sievers Family Charitable Gift Fund 













Allan Borut**

Anne Keiser and Douglas Lapp

Andersen Tax

Anya Grundmann

Brant Baber and Katherine Kalinowski*

Connie Zimmer and Robert Hetem**

Debra Kraft Liberatore and Robert Liberatore

Diane Trister Dodge and Lowell Dodge

Gene and Lisa Rigoni

Jenny Cockburn and Bernardo Frydman**

Joe and Lynne Horning

Joel and Roseanne Weber

Kimberlee and Limond Grindstaff

Lars Etzkorn and Gregory Hoss**

Laurence Platt and Clare Herrington

Adah Rose Bitterbaum

Alan and Susan Houseman*

Alison Lewis

Allison Bedbenner

Allison Miner

Alyce Dawson

Amy Horton*

Ana Maria Castro

Andrea Haslinger

Ann Devaney

Ann Marie and Ken


Anna Strudler

Anne and Alan Larsen

Anonymous (5)

Arlene Fleming

Barbara Faulkner

Barbara Fichman and Greg Filas

Barbara Silverstein

Becca Bycott

Bennett Rushkoff

Betsy B.

Brendan Daly

Brendan Furlong

Brigitte and Timothy Searchinger

Carla Wheeler

Carmen Long

Carol J. Bartholomew

Carolyn Warrick*

Catherine Ryan

Catherine Sluder

Cecilia Dwyer*

Charles and Sydney Mills

Charlie Deane

Cheryl Peterson

Christine Hobbs

Cliftine Jones

Craig Benson*

Cynthia Carbajal

Dan Mozena

Daniel Dooher

David and Martha Gibbons

Deborah and William Hall

Derek Carpenter

Diana Bonina

Diana Jaramillo Household

Don Hirsch

Douglas McAllister

E. Lawton

Elizabeth A. Edmonds

Elizabeth Fulford*

Elizabeth Parish and

Daniel Van Horn*

Elka M. Stevens

Ellen Kollar and James D.


Erin Gabster

Faya Causey

Francis McCarthy*

Frank Loy*

Gail Janes*

Gail Love

Gareth James

Gerald Marosek

Grace Ganel

Harold Closter

Hedwig Pasolini Zanelli

Heidi Jensen

James Feinerman

Jamie and Clay Goldston

Jan Blancato

Jan Dreisbach

Jane Baluss

Janet Nolan

Jeanne Jordan*

Jennifer Height

Jennifer Leach

Jennifer M. Haight

Jennifer Mallon

Jennifer Newmeyer

Jill Dougherty

Joan Kennan*

Joan Magagna

Joanne Howes

Joellen Brassfield*

John and Anne Rigby*

John and Susan Chema*

John Devaney

John Driver

Jonathan Cedarbaum

Jonathan Nowick

Joseph Johnson*

Judith Kirvan

Judith Sandalow

Julia Brennan

Justin O’Dell

K. O’Neil

Karolyn Tyson

Katherine Williams*

Kathy Morgan

Katrina Weinig

Keith Higgs

Kerry Stilwell

Kevin and Grace Gourdine

Kevin Brantley

Kimberly Hurley

Kristin Moore

Laura Feller and John Fleckner

Laura Norman

Leticia Orti

Andersen Global

Aisha Flucker

Edlavitch DC Jewish Community Center Preschool

Harrison Howard


Mental Wellness Foundation

Morris and Gwendolyn Cafritz Foundation

Philip L. Graham Fund

Angelo Cicolani and Christine Blair**

Berkshire Hathaway Energy Foundation

Charles A. Miller**

Graham Holdings Company

Hanley Foundation

Jack R. Anderson Foundation

Morningstar Foundation

National Endowment for the Arts

Share Fund

Steele Family Foundation


Alexandra Burns

Andrew Kimball Sarah Williams Fund


Arthur Reiger and Martie Matthews

Carol Galaty and Kenneth Shuck*

David Cumins Mitchell Family*

Dumbarton United Methodist Church

Elaine and Joe Friebele

John Driscoll

John Tichy and Melissa Loughlin*

Joseph Casey and Constance Pierce Casey**

Julie Sligh*

Julienne Vaillancourt*

Karen Powell and Karen Wirz*

Kevin Minoli

Lana Wong

Larry and Sue Anderson

Laurie Davis and Joseph Sellers

Lawrence and Amanda Hobart**

Lisa Larrabee

Liz and Tim Cullen

Lucia and Zephyr Rosen

Marjan Shallal**

Marjorie Pomeroy and Seamus Kelly

Martha Adler

Mary and John Pierce

Michael and Janice Faden*

Michael Wolfson

Nancy Holland*

Nancy Simpson-Banker

Nelson Henriquez

Nicholas and Susan Fels

Nina and John Richardson

Pamela Vennerdrow Lucas

Patricia Haman and Oakley Vincent

Patrick Kirchner

Paul Bennett and Carol Herndon

Paula Rabkin

Penelope Longbottom*

Philip Bernstein*

Phillip Singerman and Katalin Roth*

Ralph Steinhardt and Donna Scarboro**

Rev. Dr. Jacqueline Moncrief**

Richard English and Christina Files

Rima Calderon

Roger Gilkeson

Rosa Lamoreaux*

Rosalie Mandelbaum*

Rosemary Marcuss**

Steve Sinding and Monica Knorr*

Suad Wanna

Susan and John Holte

Susannah and James Rose*

Suzann Riester*

Suzanna Jemsby

Thomas and Jeanne Parker*

Thomas McNamara

Timothy Long

Timothy Rockwood**

Virginia Callanen and Robert Jayes*


Amy Rudnick

Andrea and David George*

Andrea and Salvatore Selvaggio

Andrew Clarke and Chip Sherrill

Angela Desmond

Anne Broker and John Parisi*

Anne Trotter*

Anne Wotring

Arthur Purcell**

Audrey Moog*

Barbara and Jeffrey McCurdy

Barbara Wolanin and Phil Brown*

Bella Rosenberg

Carolyn Ehardt*

Charles and Lucia Levermore**

Christie Walser

Christopher and Janet Sten*

Clara Smith

Clyde Owan

Cynthia G. Brown

Cynthia Word

Daniel Van Horn and Elizabeth Parish*

Daniel Snodderly

Daniel Vine

David and Judith Johnson*

David Cook**

David McAleavey and Katherine Perry*

David Pozorski and Anna Romanski

Deborah Groberg**

Delores Grigsby*

Denise Schlener and George Bren*

Diana Rodum and Michael Hoon

Diane Cook

Dr. Jessica Phillips-Silver

Eileen Dugan Romano*

Eileen O’Grady

Elaine and Arthur Alexander*

Eleanor Miller*

Elizabeth Koby

Éva Dömötör and Bill Barnes

George Farr*

Isabel Cutler**

James Gibson

Janine and Scott Murphy-Neilson

Jeffrey Munk

Jennifer Berry

Jennifer Gibson Frink

Jill Sasser-Sullivan

Jim Antonisse

Joelle Buchanan and Tim Gunter

John and Karen Holley*

John and Sharon Hays*

John C. Butler and Marie Himel


Laurel Wingate and Mark Chandler

Lynn Rhomberg**

Margaret Johnson and Ray Ottenberg

Margaret Siegel

Maureen and Sherman Katz

Mid Atlantic Arts Foundation

Mr. Leslie Taylor*

Myrna Sislen**

Pinkie Dent Mayfield

Richard S. Mason

Robert and Barbara Liotta*

Sally and William Brierre

Sarah and Tim Boltz

Virginie and Patrick Carey**

Western Arts Alliance 

Ellyn and Robert Weiss*

J. Kendall Lott

Judy Wurtzel

Katherine Lindsay Howell Fund

Malcom Peabody

Nicholas and Cindy Fagnoni

Suzanna Jemsby

Thomas Carver and Katty Kay


Brimstone Fund

Chandler M. and Paul John Tagliabue

Corina Higginson Trust

Elinor Coleman and David Sparkman Fund

Elizabeth Hylton

Harman Cain Family Foundation

Karen and Art Steitz

Kathryn and Michael Hanley

Kelvin Coleman**

Max and Victoria Dreyfus Foundation

Opalack Foundation

Sidgmore Family Foundation

Stephen Kurzman

Stuart and Leah Johnson**

Up to $100 

Linda Goodman

Linda Schakel

Liz and John Feldman

Lori Kidder

Lorraine Griesbach

Louise and Philippe Guiot

Lynne and Alan Greenwald

Lynne Bernabei*

M. Aileen Nandi

MJ Alexander*

M. M. Lewis

Margaret McBurney

Margaret Saunders and Stephen Spector

Mark and Sarah Whitener

Martin Less

Mary Davidson and

Matthew Seiden*

Mary Elizabeth Swope and Patrick Kennedy**

Mary Hall Surface

Mary Jane Ruhl*

Mary Margaret Handel

Mary Rieser

Mary Sorensson*

Mary Wortman

Melanie Parham

Michael and Dianne Cavanaugh

Michael Koempel

Michael T. Cash

Michelle Henry

Miriam Ostria

Mitchell Smith*

Molly McDermott

Morgan Tucker

Morris J. Chalick, M.D.

Ms. Kathy Crutcher

Ms. Shelley Brown

Nancy and Daniel Balz

Nancy and Robert Caldwell

Nancy Hoos

Nancy Lammers

Nancy Magill

Nancy Suman

Nancy Thompson

Neil Doherty

Nicholas Keber

Nicole Wallens

Pam Herbert

Pat and Rolf Sartorius

Pati Rainey

Patricia Corbett*

Patricia Mullan and Charles Doty*

Paul and Kathleen Bergee

Paul and Laura Guentert

Paul Bradley

Paula Newberg*

Paula Silberthau

Peggy Greene

Peter and Susan Kahn

Phyllis Panopoulos

Rachel Eddy and Em Hammond

Radhika Raju*

Ranit Mishori**

Regina Monticone

Robert Armstrong*

Robert McDiarmid and Frances Francis*

Roger Booker*

Rosanne Skirble and Daniel Klein*

Rosemary Tate

Sally Greenberg

Sara and Ferit Yegenoglu

Sara Jones

Sarah Canzoneri

Shaun Smith and David Hov

Sherry Mueller

Stacy Ludwig

Stephanie Haas Millstein

Stephanie Rapp

Steve Kitchen

Steven Fox

Sue Bell*

Susan Beckman*

Susan Fishbein

Susan Grant

Susan McAnneny

Susan Sullivan

Susan Yee and Art Katcher

Suzanne and Dave Harrilla

Tamara Comiskey

Thomas Sullivan

Twila and Larry Walker

Vasilis and Alice Riginos*

Victoria McLeod

Virginia Gunter*

Virginia Manczuk*

Virginia Weinig

Wendy Kahn

William and Jaclyn Jeffery

Susan Sullivan

Susan Yee and Art Katcher

Susannah and James Rose*

Suzann Riester*

Suzanne and Dave Harrilla

Syd and Charles Mills

Tamara Comiskey

Theodore Evers and Ingrid Zimmer

Thomas Sullivan

Twila and Larry Walker

Virginia Manczuk*

Virginia Weinig

William and Jaclyn Jeffery

In Kind

Junior League of Washington

Kate Heinzelman

Mimi Carter

Pepco Holdings

We make every effort to correctly acknowledge our wonderful donors, but if you see an error in the list above or would like your gift acknowledged differently, please email Director of Development Patricia Ruane at

The IRS EIN/tax ID for Dumbarton Arts & Education is 52-1182326. To request a copy of your tax receipt, please click here.